About the Foundation
“Foundation for New People”
The mission of the Foundation for New People is to help users feel physically and emotionally healthy in relationships.

What we do:
We inform users worldwide about methods of maintaining healthy relationships and building strong connections with their partners and give advice about patience, understanding, and honesty for constructive relationships.

We believe:
We believe fostering open communication, mutual respect, and unwavering support is fundamental to healthy and thriving relationships. In the ever-evolving tapestry of human connections, everyone deserves a relationship where they feel valued, understood, empowered, and appreciated.

Our goal:
Our goal at the Foundation for New People is to actively contribute to creating a world where relationships are a source of strength and joy. We aim to equip individuals with the knowledge, skills, and resources needed to maintain respectful and fulfilling relationships. We provide accessible and relevant information. We assist people in navigating the complex landscape of relationships while promoting emotional and physical health.

We want:
We want to inspire and empower individuals to confidently engage in relationships and foster deep and meaningful connections. We aspire to create a supportive community where people feel encouraged to share their experiences, learn from each other, and cultivate practices that contribute to healthy and rewarding relationships.

Join us to find inspiration and connect with others on a similar journey, working together to enhance personal development, health, and the well-being of our loved ones through strengthened relationships.

The non-profit Foundation for New People” is a non-profit organization registered for public benefit and performs only and exclusively non-profit activities aimed at promoting physical activity, the basics of healthy eating, and popularizing healthy lifestyles.

Message: The Foundation For New People nonprofit and its Romanceroots.com platform are designed to provide educational information in various formats. While we create content on our site as relevant and high quality as possible, it should not be taken as advice. You should always consider your health status before applying the recommendations presented on this site. You should consult with your doctor before applying our recommendations.

The Foundation team is not responsible for inaccuracies or misinterpretation of the information on this website.

Our requisites:
1505, Sofia, Bulgaria